
Characteristics :

  • Pages: 232
  • Country: Peru
  • Dimensions: 24x35x3cm
  • Weight: 1.8kg

Enter the fascinating world of cocktails. The cocktail is a balanced mixture of two or more alcoholic beverages, which harmoniously dosed produce a distinct flavor. Pleasant to the sight, smell, palate and touch.
These, according to their properties, can be: Aperitifs, refreshing, digestive and therapeutic. Become an expert in the art of cocktail making. Garnishes to embellish fruit, vegetable or vegetable-based cocktails. To achieve colorful and colorful combinations, follow our instructions. Reading books written in Spanish is not only a great way to improve your language skills, but it also helps teach you a lot about the culture that created you!

DESCRIPTION: A lavishly bound hardcover volume - Excellent photographs selected especially for this book.

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