1000 Palabras en Inglés

Characteristics :

  • Pages: 122
  • Country: Peru
  • Dimensions: 24x28x2cm
  • Weight: 1.2kg

This dictionary is intended for children and girls who begin to take their first steps in the English language, as well as those who already have notions and wish to expand their basic vocabulary. It is a book with an appropriate font size and color illustrations, which facilitate its use and at the same time stimulate your interest in the language and its learning. The vocabulary of this dictionary has been chosen taking into account the words most used by children in the different areas in which they move: the house, the school, the street ... Children will stimulate both their interest in English and the Spanish in a natural and fun way.

DESCRIPTION: A luxuriously bound volume in hard cover with sectorized print • Fine illustrations made especially for this book

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