Atlas Ilustrado de Licores y Cócteles

Characteristics :

  • Pages: 254
  • Country: Peru
  • Dimensions: 20x28x3cm
  • Weight: 1.3kg

There is only one way to drink, but many ways to enjoy a drink and in this book we show you some of them. Ingredients, how to prepare it and tips and curiosities, movies, music, to enjoy them. Reading books written in Spanish is not only a great way to improve your language skills, but it also helps to teach you a lot about the culture that created it!

CONTENT: Distilled spirits and liqueurs - Whisky and bourbon - Gin - Rum - Vodka - Cognac and brandy - Champagne and cava - Tequila and pisco - Other liqueurs - Non-alcoholic cocktails - Cocktail Index

DESCRIPTION: One volume luxuriously bound in hardcover with sectored print - Variety of cocktails explained step by step - Excellent photographs selected especially for this work.

CHF 32.60


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