Cuentos de Grimm

Characteristics :

  • Pages: 126
  • Country: Peru
  • Dimensions: 22.5x28.5x2cm
  • Weight: 0.8kg

A didactic work, with amusing stories, for the youngest members of the family. For children it is easier to understand facets of life through stories, thanks to them they learn to channel feelings and emotions. The children will stimulate at the same time their interest for the Spanish language in a natural and amusing way.

CONTENT: Snow White - Rapunzel - The Fairy Plumeta - The Guardian of the geese - The Seven Ravens - The Frog Prince - Hansel and Gretel - Juan Espín - Blancarosa and Rosana - The Sleeping Beauty - The Musicians of Bremen

DESCRIPTION: One volume in padded hardcover with glossy sectored print - Beautiful illustrations made for this work.

CHF 15.90


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